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Technical documentation
iAudiogram platform user manual
Audiopod user manual
Data protection policy
Terms and conditions of use
General subscription conditions
Getting to know the platform
iAudiogram telemedicine system
Stay in touch with your patients remotely via telemedicine
Discover the basics of using the iAudiogram platform: request remote monitoring of your audiometries, collaborate with remote colleagues, control a remote AudioPod, and more.

iAudiogram Academy
Deep Learning in Audiology
by Nicolas Wallaert (PhD, Aud. M.Sc, Ing)
Principle of automated tone audiometry using AI
by Nicolas Wallaert (PhD, Aud. M.Sc, Ing)
Press review
Trade press article
Artificial Intelligence for Clinical Audiology
Wallaert N., Jean H, Paraouty N.
Automated tone audiometry: how could AI revolutionize it?
Wallaert N., Jean H, Paraouty N.
Automated tone audiometry: iAudiogram operating principle
Wallaert N., Jean H, Paraouty N.
Reliability and Reproducibility of iAudiogram Artificial Intelligence Automated Pure-Tone Audiometry
Wallaert N., Jean H, Creff G., Paraouty N., Godey B.
Cahiers de l’Audition
Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to improve audiological care and management
Wallaert N., Jean H, Paraouty N.
Future care of the hearing-impaired patient in a hearing aid practice
Wallaert N., Jean H, Paraouty N.
Ouïe Magazine, Audiologie Demain, Audio Infos, Le Journal ORL Amplifon
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Administrative information
All iAudiogram billing information is listed in your secure area on the iAudiogram platform.
In the Activity Report tab, you can create basic statistics on your activity.
In the Accounting data tab, you can download and export all examinations performed
Find out how to recognize e-mail scams:
Scammers trying to recover users’ personal or financial information often send messages or links to websites that may appear to originate from iAudiogram, but whose purpose is to steal their victim’s account information. Some phishing e-mails ask you to click on a link to update your account information.
Never enter your account information on websites to which these messages redirect you, and never download or open attachments to these messages.
To view registered payment methods, please visit iaudiogram’s secure customer interface.
Then select parameter, then modify your payment information, then save.
If you are unable to log in using the password associated with your iAudiogram login, follow the steps in this article to reset it and restore access to your account.
Using the iAudiogram app
1. Click on forgotten password
2. Enter the username of the account for which you have forgotten your password
3. Click on send. You will receive an email with further instructions.
Information about our services
iAudiogram is a platform designed by practitioners, for practitioners, for automated auditory function tests.
It is therefore primarily intended for professional users (ENT specialists, hearing aid acousticians, school doctors, occupational physicians, etc.). All these healthcare professionals use our platform to carry out comprehensive diagnostics and/or fit hearing aids.
Thanks to Artificial Intelligence automation, our solutions enable people with no prior training or expertise in audiology to carry out highly advanced audiometric tests and assessments in a variety of settings, e.g. doctors’ surgeries or hospital wards, schools, care facilities, humanitarian missions and occupational medicine.
The iAudiogram platform can also be used as an advanced remote consultation station, thanks to our tele-audiology platform. This solution makes it possible to provide care in medically isolated areas.
Finally, iAudiogram can be implemented in institutions, mutual insurance companies and retail outlets, to provide screening, hearing check-ups and/or hearing aids for new customers*.
The AudioPod and iAudiogram platform are available free of charge. This free service has no time limit, as long as practitioners continue to use the platform and its various services.
iAudiogram can bill the practitioner for certain procedures that can be billed to the social security system.
Our rates vary according to the solution used and your specific needs (telemedicine, tele-expertise, number of procedures and AudioPods installed).
Please contact us for more information, and we’ll be happy to advise you and propose a solution tailored to your needs.
You can become an iAudiogram user simply by contacting us directly.
We’ll provide you with all the relevant details about the AudioPod and the iAudiogram platform, as well as their technical specifications.
iAudiogram is deeply committed to the quality of its products, and constantly strives to improve the services it offers. It complies with all mandatory standards (see technical specifications section).
iAudiogram and AudioPod will be CE MDR certified by 2022, according to the new European regulations, which are considerably more stringent than the CE MDD standard still in force.
We’re proud to offer superior support.
All equipment supplied by iAudiogram is guaranteed for 4 years from the date of installation. IT support is available 24/7 (in French during business hours, and in English otherwise), with on-site intervention within 48 hours if the problem cannot be solved remotely.
In the event of equipment failure, whatever the cause (damage to equipment), loan equipment can be sent to you on request within 48 working hours.
Our clinical support team is at your service Monday to Friday, 8:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 18:00 GMT. In an emergency, you can leave a message and someone will call you back promptly.
Our regular updates ensure constant optimization of the technology deployed and the constant addition of new features to our platform. Updates are automatic, and we usually share details when they are published. For technical information, we encourage you to consult our iAudiogram Academy regularly.