The future of professional audiometry
All the clinical and diagnostic audiometry tests of a traditional audiometer automated by Artificial Intelligence, scientifically and clinically validated, in compact, computerized, easy-to-use equipment specially developed for tele-audiometry.
The AudioPod is the world’s first Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based device for automated tone audiometry (CO, CA, free field), voice audiometry in silence (CA, CO, free field) and in noise (free field), and patient reporting, without human intervention.
A genuine functional exploration tool, theAudioPod enables you to provide your patients with additional expertise, to characterize their hearing problems in detail: audiometry in noise, assessment of supraliminal disorders, evaluation of prosthetic effectiveness (implants, hearing aids and hearing protectors).
The result of 5 years of development and numerous scientific collaborations with leading institutional, academic and university players, the Audiopod is based on the latest technological innovations and scientific discoveries. The use of Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to automate all the usual audiometric tests, offering unrivalled precision .
The audioPod and iAudiogram teleaudiology platform have been scientifically and medically validated. Guarantees the highest quality standards (ISO EN and ANSI)
The audioPod can be used as a conventional audiometer, allowing you to manually perform audiometry on certain patients who can only be treated in person (behavioral audiometry in young children, cognitively impaired patients, etc.).
What makes AudioPod unique
A complete range.
And magical.
All audiometry equipment is supplied, maintained, calibrated and guaranteed by us.
Artificial intelligence in healthcare
Allow you to refocus on what’s most important: your patients
AudioPod features
and many more!
Pure tone audiometry
air and bone conduction with automated masking
AI-automated toning
Speech audiometry in silence
SRT/SDT (Words, Sentences, Logatom) with masking
AI-automated voice
Speech audiometry in noise
SRT/SDT (Words, Sentences, Logatoms)
AI-automated voice
Automated reporting
AI-automated, customizable and exportable CRs
Audiological history
General, otological, surgical and medical history
ISO EN and ANSI compliant
Quality standards – Clinical and scientific validation
Remote monitoring
remote AI-automated procedures by our expert audiometrists
remote audiometric assessments to be closer to your patients
collaborate more easily with your colleagues and prescribers
Comfort and discomfort thresholds
Weber test
Video otoscopy
Technical specifications
1 Computer with dual screen for remote monitoring or tele-audiometry
1 high-definition webcam
1 Patient microphone
1 AudioPod (computerized diagnostic audiometer)
1 Video-otosocope
iAudiogram platform
Audioconsole software
1 Air Conduction Helmet – AC (e.g. TDH 39 mounted on earmuffs)
1 Remote control / Patient response button
1 Binaural Bone Conduction Headset – CO (e.g. BC-1 or B71)
1 USB cable
Instruction manual
2 to 6 Speakers (free field)
Only automated AI audiometry solution meeting all standards and certifications
Safety: IEC 60601-1:2005, Class II, Type B applied parts, IPX0
EMC: IEC 60601-1-2:2007, Class A
Performance: IEC 60645-1:2012, Type 3 ; IEC 60645-2:1993, Type B;
ANSI S3.6-2010, Type 3, voice type B
250Hz – 8kHz, with optional extension to 20kHz
-10 dB HL to 110 dB HL (AC) / -10 dB HL to 60 dB HL (CO)
5 dB measurement step, accuracy: +/- 1 dB
Stimulus types: pure tone, frequency-modulated (warble), pulsed
Masking sounds: White noise, narrow-band noise, SSN, OVG, …
CA and CO tonal audiometry with lateral contro/ipsi masking
Automated tonal audiometry with AI CA and CO with contralateral masking
Speech audiometry in CA and CO silence with contralateral masking
Automated AI speech audiometry in CA silence with contralateral masking
Comfort threshold measurement (MCL)
Measuring discomfort thresholds (UCL)
Assessment of prosthetic effectiveness: implants, hearing aids, hearing protectors
AI automated prosthetic efficiency assessment
Speech audiometry in noise
AI-automated speech-in-noise audiometry
Weber test
Complete audiological history
Automated, customizable reporting
Video-otoscopy with labeling
490 mm x 300 mm x 115 mm; 2300g.